Construction Progress at the Former Hempstead Manufactured Gas Plant
Week Ending 10/03/2008

National Grid’s contractor (Entact Environmental Services) installed temporary fencing on the site. Trees on the north side of the site were relocated to allow the placement of the temporary enclosure that will be used during the excavation of contaminated soil. Trees and vegetation that were removed were processed using a chipper-shredder. The chips were placed on-site to help control dust during construction operations.
Additional work was performed on site to better determine the locations of underground piping. The decontamination pad was constructed on site, and the temporary enclosure was delivered to the site.

The community air monitoring stations and the meteorological station were installed. The equipment will be used to monitor wind direction and air quality around the perimeter of the site.
Off-site and on-site drilling and sampling activities continued. This work is being performed to support the design of remedies for off-site groundwater, and for deeper tar impacted soil. Air monitoring is conducted during the work to ensure that the intrusive activities do not produce airborne contaminant levels above regulatory standards. Monitoring alarms are set at levels that are significantly below the regulatory standards to ensure that corrective actions can be taken before the standards are exceeded.
Two-week outlook:
The air monitoring stations will be operated to establish background air quality conditions prior to excavating contaminated soil from the site.
Some soil excavation is planned adjacent to the LIRR right of way and outside of the temporary enclosure. Odor suppressing foam will be available to control odors, if necessary.
The temporary enclosure will be erected and the associated vapor management system will also be installed to control excavation activities planned within the temporary enclosure. Drilling and sampling activities will continue on-site and off- site.