Hempstead O2 System #1 Handout 10 25 10 with map.pdf
Update for February 2011
As of February 2011, National Grid has completed the installation work for oxygen delivery system #2, located from Mirschel Park to Kensington Court. The oxygenation system is operating and treating the groundwater plume associated with the Hempstead former Manufactured Gas Plant (MGP) Site by accelerating the rate of natural bioremediation within the groundwater plume. Please use the link above to see the figure showing the location of the treatment systems.
National Grid is currently installing a similar groundwater oxygenation system (System #1) along Smith Street, the inactive LIRR right of way, Atlantic Avenue, and a section along Hilton Ave. This system is expected to be completed in the Spring of 2011. As with the first system, drill rigs are used to install oxygen wells and excavating equipment is being used for digging piping trenches. Based on the completed environmental investigations in the area, the shallow soils to be excavated are not contaminated from the former MGP Site. Each day, after wells and lines are installed, the trenches will be secured. After all of the work is done, the areas will be fully restored. The sidewalks around the work areas along Atlantic and Hilton Avenue will have restricted access and be closed at times during the work period from mid February through March 2011. The work will be conducted with oversight from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, the New York State Department of Health, and the Nassau County Department of Health.
National Grid is working on the procurement process for obtaining a contractor for remediating the residual MGP materials located at the former site itself, and under the parking lot immediately to the south of the MGP Site. This soil remediation work is the largest phase of the remediation project, and will use solidification with cement and other additives to encapsulate the MGP residuals in these areas. After the bidding process is completed, work is expected to commence on this soil remediation phase of the program in the Summer of 2011.
Should you have any questions or concerns about the work, please use National Grid’s Hempstead Intersection Street Project Hotline at 516 545 6161. Additional information about the investigation and remediation of the Hempstead Intersection Street former MGP Site is also available on the Key Documents tab of this website.
Thank you for your cooperation as we continue to make progress addressing the environmental issues associated with the Hempstead former Manufactured Gas Plant Site.