Hempstead Intersection Street Former MGP Site -
Remedial Progress
Week Ending October 14, 2011
Work on the Hempstead former Manufactured Gas Plant site in the Villages of Hempstead and Garden City commenced on October 3, 2011. The first work included the mobilization of equipment and other activities to support the execution of the work plan for the In Situ Solidification (ISS) project. The work performed for this week included the identification and location of underground and overhead utilities and surveying site feature layouts and boundaries as well as land surface preparation activities. All of this work is intended to help to safely complete the mobilization and site setup phase of the Remedial Action Plan.
Work will be conducted Monday-Friday from 7:00 AM until 5:00 PM. No weekend work is expected at this time.
A fact sheet summarizing the project and its potential impacts to the residents was sent to the community to summarize the work. The Fact Sheet and the finalized Remedial Action Work Plan can also be found in the Key Documents/Major Reports section of this website. A link to the Fact Sheet can be found below.
National Grid awarded the remediation of the Hempstead Intersection Street former Manufactured Gas Plant site to ENTACT, LLC.. ENTACT will be completing the overall site remedy as described in the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation approved Remedial Action Plan. National Grid has retained AECOM to provide Construction Management services and Community Air Monitoring during the remedial action. URS Corporation will be the Design Engineer of record.
As work proceeds, the web site will be updated periodically to ensure the community is informed of the project progress and schedule.
Hempstead Fact Sheet September 2011 in English and Spanish.pdf