Hempstead Intersection Street Former MGP Site -
Remedial Progress
Week Ending April 27, 2012
The latest site activities included continued soil excavation and off-site transportation and disposal of the material. In-Situ Soil Solidification (ISS) production work continues along the west fence line. Other activities included continuing pre-clearing of piping and debris prior to ISS activities along the west and north portions of the site. Construction of DSM batch plant #2 and assembly of the 2nd DSM drill rig will continue with the 2nd drill rig planned to begin production work alongside the #1 rig starting next week.
A Fact Sheet summarizing the project and potential impacts to the community was previously sent to the community to summarize the work. The Fact Sheet and the finalized Remedial Action Work Plan can also be found in the Key Documents/Major Reports section of this website. A link to the Fact Sheet can be found below. The work is being performed in accordance with the Community Air Monitoring Plan that was reviewed by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, New York State Department of Health and the Nassau County Department of Health. There is an on-site NYSDEC representative monitoring the project activities.
As work proceeds, the web site will be updated periodically to ensure the community is informed of the project progress and schedule.
Hempstead Fact Sheet September 2011 in English and Spanish.