Hempstead Intersection Street Former MGP Site -
Remedial Progress
Week Ending February 10, 2012
The latest site activities have included the movement of the onsite temporary containment building (TCB) to the third excavation area, where on site excavation will continue for loading and offsite disposal. The initial phase of demonstration testing for the Deep Soil Mixing (DSM) soil solidification work was completed in early January. There were modifications made to the drilling equipment and evaluations were made to assess the DSM process going forward. The DSM demonstration testing is expected to resume the week of Feb. 6th.
A Fact Sheet summarizing the project and potential impacts to the community was previously sent to the community to summarize the work. The Fact Sheet and the finalized Remedial Action Work Plan can also be found in the Key Documents/Major Reports section of this website. A link to the Fact Sheet can be found below.
As work proceeds, the web site will be updated periodically to ensure the community is informed of the project progress and schedule.
Hempstead Fact Sheet September 2011 in English and Spanish.