Hempstead Intersection Street Former MGP Site -
Remedial Progress

Week Ending June 28, 2013

The latest Site activities include the Deep Soil Mixing (DSM) remediation work, and other Site preparation and excavation work for off-Site areas. Additionally, work continued to complete the installation of the tall fence along Wendell St. The southern Site entrance will be reopened when the paving work is completed on Intersection Street near the southern Site entrance. The Second Street Site entrance is being used temporarily until the paving work is completed.

The January 2013 Project Update Fact Sheet was mailed out to the community to provide a project schedule update and a summary of the ongoing remediation work This Project Update mailing and the finalized Remedial Action Work Plan can also be found in the Key Documents/Major Reports section of this website. A link to the Fact Sheet can be found below. The work is being performed in accordance with the Community Air Monitoring Plan that was reviewed by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, New York State Department of Health and the Nassau County Department of Health. There is an on-Site NYSDEC representative monitoring the project activities.

As work proceeds, the website will be updated periodically to ensure the community is informed of the project progress and schedule.